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Measure Your Porch for Scenix

by Katie
| Oct 18, 2017


Once your porch is fully prepped and framed, now is the time to measure each opening. Accurate measurements are all you need to place your Scenix window order.

To make it simple, you can capture your window sizes in just three easy steps!

  1. Width -  Measure from left to right at three points: top, middle, and bottom of the opening.
  1. Height – Start from the high point of the sill of your window and measure to the top of the opening. Again, take three measurements: left, center, and right.
  1. Depth - Be sure to leave at least 2-1/2" of opening depth between the inside window trim and the outside to allow room for your window.

Be sure to use the smallest number within each set measurements as your rough opening number.  Also note that your actual windows will be a half inch smaller in width and height than the ordered size.

Simply visit www.larsondoors.com to find your closest Scenix retailer or dealer. Then, place your order in the store or online.

Now you're ready to install your Scenix Windows. 



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