Trick-or-treating is a front door tradition. Check out these helpful tips!

Trick out your front door!
Do you have a small entry way and are worried about pushing trick-or-treaters off the front step when they ring the doorbell this Halloween? With a little bit of preparation, you can make trick-or-treating hassle-free. Simply make a few adjustments on your storm door to prepare.
For a full-glass door, remove the glass. Place a flathead screwdriver in the groove next to the door frame approximately one inch from the top or bottom of the glass insert. Next, tilt the screwdriver at a slight angle, tipping the handle towards the door frame. Tap the end of the screwdriver until the end of the retainer pops out of the track; set aside. Remove the glass and store in safe place. Leave the storm door shut and reach through the frame to hand out treats. Replace the glass and retainer strips after Halloween!
With a self-storing door (pictured), simply remove the glass and screen, following these simple instructions. Leave your storm door latched and reach through the opening to hand out treats. Bonus, if you're a pet owner, you'll also benefit from keeping cats and dogs from escaping through the front door. Replace the glass and screen after Halloween!
Dress up the Doggo!
We love seeing pictures of your pupster in front of their LARSON pet-friendly storm door.
Whether they are dressed as a bumble bee or Little Red Riding Hood, show us your photo on Facebook or Instagram by tagging @larsondoors.
Did you know, many dog food and treat companies now make Halloween treats for dogs to hand out during trick-or-treating? Whether your trick-or-treaters have two legs or four, be ready for them this Halloween!
Get some great costume and treat ideas from our friends at PetSafe!
Another favorite Halloween tradition is decorating the front door.
Jordan and Koda win the prize for most artistic storm door! Jordan uses liquid chalk markers to create out-of-this-world scenes for Koda to pose behind. Instead of trying to get that costume on your dog, consider making a storm door mural!
Celebrate the Fall Colors
Decorating can be as simple as placing pumpkins on your front steps, hanging a seasonal wreath, or finding the perfect welcome mat.
We wish you and your ghosts and goblins a happy Halloween from our front door to yours.