Your front porch says so much about you! Give the outside of your storm door a personal touch. It doesn't have to be expensive or elaborate; a simple touch will do.
Customizing your entrance doesn't have to be expensive. You don't have to complete all the projects below to add charm. Take what you want and put the rest in your back pocket for a rainy day.
Here are four ideas on how to personalize your front entrance.
1. Create a Unique House Number Sign
House numbers are an overlooked design element on your home. Check out this How-To tutorial to create a modern house number.
This is one of the easiest and cheapest DIY projects to personalize your home. Be as creative as you want. Supplies for this project can be found at your local hardware and/or craft store.
2. Personalize a Door Mat
Doormats are the ultimate accessory to a LARSON storm door entrance and can be utilized for any season and any form of welcome you want. This is a simple and inexpensive way to personalize your entrance. One of our most recent blog posts went into detail on how-to customize a door mat.
Spending a ton of money on customization is not practical or necessary. Whether it’s a sarcastic comment, a movie quote or even a funky pattern, homeowners want to have a personalized welcome as you walk through their storm door and you should too. Choose the design and paint it in no time. This is an art piece you will be proud of.
The supplies for this door mat are extremely simple. All you need is a plain door mat, paint and a stencil to create anything you want.
3. Exercise Your Green Thumb
One way to fancy up your front door is to put planters to the side of your door. Be mindful of size - you don't want them to be too big for the space and to obstruct the walking area, but you do want them to be nice accents to the front door. Determining the size will really depend on how big your area is. You may be able to put planters on both sides or just one side. You may even want them on the front step and out of the walking path.
4. Hang a Wreath
There are many different ways you can hang a wreath on your storm door. Read our blog post that demonstrates the many ways to attach a wreath to your door.
Change your wreath seasonally. Faux wreaths are the most popular and come in many different designs.