October is known for ghosts, ghouls and trick-or-treating, but it's also National Home Security Month. Welcome witches and werewolves at your front door, but scare intruders away.
October is known for ghosts, ghouls and trick-or-treating, but it's also National Home Security Month. Welcome witches and werewolves at your front door, but scare intruders away.
What is a storm door? A storm door is a second, outermost door of a home's entrance. Storm doors can be used on front doors, back doors and side doors. Storm doors were originally invented to protect entrances against bad weather. Today's storm doors provide many more functions. Storm doors seal out bad weather, reduce outside noise, provide ventilation, add light to your home, keep bugs out, and add to your home's curb appeal. Our pet-friendly storm doors include a pet flap to give your four-legged family member more independence.
Larson Manufacturing makes custom-size storm doors to fit many openings. Most standard storm doors are 32 or 36 inches wide by 80 or 81 inches tall. As home entries expand in size, we get many requests for 8' storm doors. Protect your family, make your home more energy efficient, let in light, and enjoy the breeze with an oversize custom LARSON storm door.
Child window safety is no accident. The Angel Ventlock® is a window opening control device that prevents the window from fully opening, preventing anything larger than 4 inches from coming through the Scenix™ porch window opening.
Working from home and keeping your children active and engaged while they are distance-learning or virtual-learning is a challenge many working families didn't have time to plan for. Working from home myself, I am dealing with the same struggle. Never fear, we're here to weather the storm with you. Here are a few storm door-tivities that use every day items around the house that your kids will love and maybe even learn from.
I'm spending more time at home this summer and have cancelled many trips that I had planned months ago. Since I'll be spending more time at home this summer, I want it to make the most of it. I've been conquering my long-overdue home to-do list on weeknights and weekends. You'll find a few of my most impactful projects below.
Burglary happens. Are you prepared to stop a burglar from targeting your home?
Keeping Scenix porch windows clean doesn't have to be tricky. Here are some helpful hints to clean your porch windows with ease.
Weep holes may be the tiniest feature on your Scenix porch windows, but they serve a big function. Keep them free of debris by adding this step to your Spring Cleaning Checklist.
Monday-Thursday 7:30AM - 4:30PM CT
Friday 7:30AM - 4:30PM CT
Saturday 9:00AM - 2:00PM CT